Jesse Jackson Jr.: I'm not target of investigation - Yahoo! News
I submitted a letter to the Honorable Jesse Jackson Jr. some time ago about a racially profiled flyer depicting a black man holding a knife with his hand on the back of a white lady's head pulling her head to the knife with a promotion stating "What would you do?" Also in the flyer is a white family, a dad, mother and 2 children, with this statement next to them "Protect your most valuable assets". This add or flyer came from Draco Academcy of Martial Arts, which is located at 18061 Dixie Highway, Homewood, Illinois. I sent a letter and this flyer to Mr. Jackson's office located at 17926 South Halsted, Homewood, Illinois. I received a response letter from Mr. Jackson dated September 15, 2004 stating that I should contact my "Illinois State Representatives" about this issue. I was appalled by this response from Mr. Jackson. The letter I had was signed by Mr. Jackson. This led me to believe that Mr. Jackson would not address this "racial profiling" that was housed in the same village where his office is located. I briefly talked about this issue on my blog dated December 3, 2005 when I was addressing an issue Senator Meeks brought forth about being racially profiled by the Chicago Police Department.
What will Jesse Jackson Jr. do as a Senator of Illinois? Will he take our issues and pass it on to someone else because he does not have time to deal with it?
I live in Jesse Jackson Jr.'s District. Jesse Jackson Jr. does not have one advisory committee for his constituents to have input into the politics in his District. On the other hand: Congressman Danny K. Davis has many advisory committees to address the needs of his constituents. I have to travel to the Westside of Chicago to address the social policy needs of the constituents of Jesse Jackson Jr.'s District. I sit on 11 advisory committees of Congressman Davis. These committees are: Business Consortium, Business Employment Reentry Collaborative Task Force, Child Welfare, Housing Task Force, Welfare and Poverty, Media Planning, Youth and Child Development, Drugs and Substance Abuse Prevention, Second Chance Technical Support, Ex-offenders and Criminal Justice, and the Second Chance Act of 2007.
Why doesn't Jesse Jackson Jr. have advisory committees? Who will best serve as Senator of Illinois?