February 29, 2012

Do Not Grow Weary or Lose Heart; New Jim Crow Social Justice Movement Heads to Nebraska; Black Men of Honor College Fair; What's Missing Is Rage!; Black Women Greatly Outnumber Black Men at HBCU's

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Making Progress; Moving Forward!
What's Missing Is Rage! - Harry Belafonte
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'Do Not Grow Weary or Lose Hope'
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By Vincent G. Harding
"When you're surrounded by Fannie Lou Hamer and Amzie Moore and Septima Clark and Malcolm X and Martin King and Ella J. Baker, and when you take seriously those lives and the thousands like them, then it seems to me that the first response to what we've been through in these last few years is the question that one of my friends said she is always asking: What is the gift? For she assumes that life is full of gifts, sometimes absolutely disguised gifts. She assumes that whatever we are in the midst of, especially when it's fear-provoking and despair-encouraging, it is so necessary, so important, to keep asking, "What is the gift here?"
Michelle Alexander and The New Jim Crow
Social Justice Movement Arrive in Nebraska
on Saturday, March 10, 2010 
People in Omaha, Lincoln, North Platte and Grand Island, Nebraska;  Sioux City, Des Moines, Davenport and Iowa City, Iowa; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Minneapolis and Rochester, Minnesota; St. Joseph and Kansas City, Missouri; Overland Park, Topeka and Kansas City, Kansas; Cheyenne, Wyoming; and Denver, Colorado are encouraged to attend this event.  
"Much like a great explorer, Michelle Alexander has discovered another America--a bizarro world where prejudice and discrimination have replaced truth and justice. An America that is as intent on destroying young Black men as it is at proclaiming its passion for freedom and fairness. Even some of the most conscious and best-intentioned Americans can't see The New Jim Crow and their roles in supporting it. Michelle Alexander holds a mirror up to America and reveals a monster!"  - Phillip Jackson, The Black Star Project 
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Take Young Men and/or Young Women to a Free College Basketball Game
through a
 Million Fathers Club Events
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UIC Women vs University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee  
7:00 PM
Thursday, March 1, 2012
 525 South Racine Street
UIC Pavilion
 Chicago, Illinois
DePaul University Men Blue Demons vs Seton HallBlack Star Logo
5:00 PM
Saturday, March 3, 2012
AllState Arena
6920 North Mannheim Rd
Rosemont, Illinois 
UIC Women vs University of Wisconsin at Greenbay
 3:00 PM
Saturday, March 3, 2012
UIC Pavilion
 525 South Racine 
Chicago, Illinois
Please call Bruce Walker at 773-285-9600 for more information or to reserve your FREE tickets!
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Black Male Teachers Becoming Extinct
Black Star Logo"There are African American men all over the country with skills, and with passion, that can serve these boys in so many capacities that they don't even know," King says. "It makes a huge difference because [the students] are able to be comfortable with themselves, they're able to see what they'll become one day, and if those images are positive, it raises their self identity to another level."
King hopes that by reaching his young black boys early, he'll be able to help them build a strong educational foundation that will allow them to buck another troubling trend: the low number of African American males entering and graduating from college. A recent report from the Department of Education showed that males are now a distinct minority on campus-even at historically black colleges and universities.
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Black Women Greatly Out Number Black Men at HBCU's.  Who Will Professional Black Women Marry?
Black Star LogoOf Black males who make it to an HBCU, only 29 percent will graduate within six years, which is worse than the 33 percent national average of black males at all colleges. Nationally, the six-year graduation rate is 57 percent.
The gender gap is magnified at Clark Atlanta University, where a staggering 74 percent of the students are female. Last fall, as the school welcomed one of the largest freshman classes in history - more than 1,000 - fewer than 100 were men.
One of the best options for educating Black students in America -- Saturday University
Please call 773.285.9600 to learn how to start a Saturday University in your city.  We have 15 free Saturday Universities operating in and around Chicago.  Please call 773.285.9600 to register your child for free academic enhancement or for more information about Saturday University.

Belafonte - "What's missing is that rage."

It was both a walk down memory lane and a call to action when singer, actor, civil rights activist and international humanitarian Harry Belafonte spoke at St. Sabina Church.  Part of a Black History Month program that also brought Princeton Professor Cornel West to the South Side church on Sunday, Belafonte, espousing incendiary views on racism and capitalism for six decades, did not hold back during his presentation Friday night.