March 08, 2012

CSH IL Homefront

CSH Releases  Federal Policy Priorities for 2012 
CSH advocates for a diverse yet targeted set of policy priorities that address the "three-legged stool" of supportive housing. Please review our policy priorities for 2012 that address coordination with public housing authorities, access to Medicaid and planning for health care reform, full funding of HEARTH, and protecting the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program, among others. Please contact our Illinois Office for more information. 
CSH Supportive Housing Conference: Request for Presenters & Workshop  
On September 12-13, CSH will host a regional Supportive Housing Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota. The two-day conference will be both energizing and educational and provide the opportunity to take advantage of the combined expertise of CSH and our industry partners on all aspects of supportive housing.  At this time we are soliciting preferences for workshop topics and applications for presenters.  If interested please click here for more information.
Veteran's Grant Opportunity: Allows for Permanent Supportive Housing Model 
The VA's annual Grant and Per Diem Programapplication was released and allows applicants to receive funding for the "Transition in Place" housing model where private market apartments are leased and assisted for no more than 24 months after which point the veteran assumes the lease. This is a new effort for the VA to meet its goal of ending veteran's homelessness and broaden its programming more aligned with other HUD homeless programs. Applications are due May 30, 2012. New GPD NOFA 

Free Children and Trauma Training Series 
Sign Up! 
Free training series on Children and Trauma: Understanding Impact and Strengthening Resilience offered by the Campaign to End Child Homelessness.  Join trainer Kathleen Guarino this spring for a four-part webinar training on homelessness, trauma, trauma-informed care, and self-care for service providers. Each month from February - May, the Campaign will be offering opportunities to learn more about how trauma can impact all facets of a person's life.  To register follow this link here
February 9, 2012
2012 Family Supportive Housing Capacity Building Initiative 
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We are glad to offer the Family Supportive Housing Capacity Building Initiative (Family Initiative) for a second year! This initiative, which provides no-cost training and technical assistance to family supportive housing programs, offers a unique opportunity to established programs, at all levels of experience, to enhance their skills and improve program quality.  Please mark your calendars for our upcoming webinars to discuss the Family Initiative and the RFP process: Tuesday, March 27 at 2:00pm or Wednesday, March 28  at 10:00am.   
Contribute to Chicago's AIDS Housing Plan  
Join the AIDS Foundation of Chicago on Wednesday, March 14 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at Catholic Charities, 721 N. LaSalle to update the current and write the next AIDS Housing Plan. RSVP online at  
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Corporation for Supportive Housing
205 W Randolph
23rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60606

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