March 03, 2012

Does Romney Own Rush? (Plus Sexy Limbaugh Cartoon)

The National Memo
Rachel Maddow image #1
Saturday, March 03, 2012
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It is fashionable among reporters and ostensibly non-partisan observers to parcel out blame for this depressing state of affairs equally among Democrats and Republicans, but that's simply not accurate. Most of the blame for the current state of affairs in the Senate -- as you've figured out if you've been watching the Republican primary campaign -- belongs with a GOP that has become increasingly obstreperous even as it becomes increasingly unmoored from reality. READ MORE
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Rachel Maddow image #2
2012 was looking like a rough year for Senate Democrats until as recently as a few days ago. But Maine Republican incumbent Olympia Snowe's decision to retire, coupled with the announcement by former Nebraska Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey that he'll seak the open seat in that state, upended the partisan math. Meanwhile, the PR disaster that was the GOP's Blunt Amendment -- allowing employers to deny contraception coverage to their workers -- has left Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown, who had been surging in the polls, stuck in a political cul-de-sac. READ MORE
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The Keystone XL pipeline would increase domestic oil prices by more than $6 a barrel and prices at the pump in parts of the country by about 20 cents a gallon. You read that right. At a time when rising gas prices threaten President Barack Obama's re-election, the Republicans' most ballyhooed remedy -- a new pipeline -- would make the problem worse. READ MORE
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In his most expansive remarks on the issue thus far, President Obama told The Atlantic magazine that Iran and Israel both understand "a military component" is among a mix of many options for dealing with Iran, along with sanctions and diplomacy. That is the most direct threat he has issued during months of escalating tension with Iran over its disputed nuclear development program. "I think that the Israeli government recognizes that, as president of the United States, I don't bluff," he said in the interview. READ MORE
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With President Obama and leaders in both parties favoring lower corporate tax rates, Washington seems poised to enact change next year. They need only resolve details like how much the rates should be cut, which tax avoidance strategies should be barred, and whether to give manufacturers a discounted rate.

If the corporate tax rate is cut, should the rates for dividends and long-term capital gains be increased? READ MORE
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The Rush Limbaugh Show is aired by Premiere Networks, a massively profitable syndication network which is owned by Clear Channel Communications.

Clear Channel Communications is owned by Bain Capital.

So perhaps Romney's persistent silence is owed to the fact that Limbaugh's offensive comments made him quite a bit of money for Bain -- until now, at least. READ MORE
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Danziger Cartoon
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