March 14, 2012

Great National Conference for Educating Boys of Color; Another Powerful Conference for Educating Males of Color; Million Fathers Club at the Museum; "Black Men of Honor" College Fair; Bring Saturday University to your City

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Making Progress; Moving Forward!
COSEBOC Educational Conference
SAAB Educational Conference
Join Million Fathers Club at the Museum
Concerned Christian Men Feed and Mentor 300 Boys
Saturday University Works For All Students
Black Men of Honor College Fair
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Great National Conference
for Educating Boys of Color
Gathering of leaders.
Each year the quality of the professional learning workshops at the Gathering of Leaders gets stronger.  This year is no exception. Sixteen workshops selected from nearly 60 proposals are available for registered participants to sign up for.
These workshops are relevant to educators from the early childhood to high school level and illuminate the Gathering's theme, "Great Schools Are Not an Accident: Successful Learning Communities for Boys and Young Men of Color." Each workshop will engage the participants in interactive, practical, and COSEBOC Standard referenced activity. They will also provide all participants with ideas, tools, and strategies to advance their work with boys and young men of color.
Gathering participants will attend two workshops, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Descriptions and expectations for each workshop are now posted on the COSEBOC website.
Another Powerful National Conference
for the Nation's Males of Color
  Join The Million Fathers Club at One of the Greatest Museums in the World - FREE!!!
 Saturday, March 17, 2012, 12:00 PM
at the Museum of Science and Industry
located at 57th and Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Illinois 
You must call Bruce to RSVP your free tickets or for more information at 773.285.9600
Concerned Christian Men Mentor and Feed 300 Boys with Monthly Man/Boy Breakfast
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The Concerned Christian Men (CCM) was founded in October 1996 by George D. Glenn, a Harvard-educated native Chicagoan (graduate of Senn High School). CCM's initial and continuing focus has been to provide strong "Black Male" leadership and guidance to young Black boys living on the South Side of Chicago to assist them in becoming positive, contributing members of their communities.

CCM's Flagship activity is the monthly Man-Boy Breakfast that over 29,000 men and boys have attended since 1996 (140 breakfasts). Since April 2002 the breakfasts are held at Simeon Career Academy, a state-of-the-art vocational and academic high school. We average over 300 men and boys for our Man-Boy breakfasts.
One of the best options for educating Black students in America -- Saturday University
Please call 773.285.9600 to learn how to start a Saturday University in your city.  We have 15 free Saturday Universities operating in and around Chicago.  Please call 773.285.9600 to register your child for free academic enhancement or for more information about Saturday University.
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Achievement Gaps Tied to
Income Found Widening
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March 7, 2012
The fractious debate over how much schools can counteract poverty's impact on children is far from settled, but a recently published collection of research strongly suggests that until policymakers and educators confront deepening economic and social disparities, poor children will increasingly miss out on finding a path to upward social mobility.
The achievement gap between poor children and rich children has grown significantly over the past three decades and is now nearly twice as large as the black-white gap, according to Sean F. Reardon, a Stanford University sociologist. He examined data on family income and student scores on standardized tests in reading and math spanning 1960 to 2007.
Parents Are Building Organizations
to Help Educate their Children
Whether they're organizing events, buttonholing legislators, or simply trading ideas and information, a growing number of "parent unions" are attempting to stake out a place in policy debates over education in states and districts, amid a crowded field of actors and advocates.
As the term implies, some of these organizations see themselves as countering the political might of teachers' unions, though others see the labor groups as allies. Still other parents' unions are less concerned with teacher and labor-management issues than with advancing their own tightly focused-or very broad-agendas. Those agendas include improving school gifted-and-talented programs, for instance, and closing achievement gaps between minority and white students.
Create A "Black Men of Honor" College Fair
in Your City by Calling 773.285.9600
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Use A Library Card and Help Free Hundreds of Thousands of Black Men Incarcerated in America
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Join the movement to stop the American system of The New Jim Crow by checking a book out of your local library or by buying and reading a paperback copy of The New Jim Crow. All high school and college students must read this book!