| | THE BIG STORY It's election day: The Republican base in Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Alaska, Idaho, and Oklahoma will all get their chance to chime in on whom the Party should nominate. State politics is crazy on any ordinary day, but when Republicans start barnstorming, all heck breaks loose. Can Romney beat Santorum? Will Newt survive? And Why is Georgia so obsessed with the Ten Commandments? READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | GEORGIA AND OKLAHOMA Georgia, which has 76 delegates up for grabs on Tuesday, doesn't seem to be worried about the economy in its statehouse. Instead, local lawmakers have been busy unanimously passing a bill that would post a copy of the Ten Commandments in all Georgia schools and government buildings. Oklahoma, which is worth 40 delegates, is focused on abortion. The "Personhood Bill," which was introduced by Republican State Senator Brian Crain, would grant legal personhood status to embryos from the moment of fertilization and has sparked massive protests. READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | OHIO Elected in the GOP wave of 2010, Governor John Kasich took hard-right positions on almost every explosive national issue, including a push to end collective bargaining rights for public employees that was overturned by angry voters last November. After such a recent rebuke, it comes as something of a surprise that he would double down on Tea Party extremism. READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | VIRGINIA The top communications adviser to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R- Virginia) resigned abruptly after getting into a nasty fight with a fellow staffer last week. His punishment? He can no longer "coordinate" with his former boss and close friend -- because he immediately landed a cushy gig at a well-funded Super PAC named after Cantor's 2010 campaign book. READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | TENNESSEE Mitt Romney, in his never ending quest to convince voters that he is just an average Joe, has been trying to relate to Tennessee crowds with an odd spoken-word performance of the "Davy Crockett" theme song. "This place always has a special feeling in my heart, because when I grew up I was thinking about Davy Crockett," says Romney before breaking into song. READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | FEATURED COLUMN: MIKE KONCZAL Crucially, while 2010 was a year of continued stagnation for the economy as a whole, the 1% began to show strong gains. This means that the rich are right when they say the economy is getting better -- as long as you ignore the rest of the population. READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | CARTOON OF THE DAY | Send To A Friend >> | |