March 01, 2012

Thursday's Daily Brief

Timothy L. O'Brien: Introducing "Breakdown: Americans on the Edge"
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Making Sense of Dollars and Cents: Announcing HuffPost Money
BofA To Charge Customers Unless They Buy More Products, Have Enough Money
Mitt Romney Backtracks On Comment Opposing Blunt Amendment [UPDATE]
Andrew Breitbart Dead: Conservative Blogger Dies Suddenly
Rebels Retreat From Besieged Neighborhood
Bill Maher: The Great Thing About Having Been Poor
If you grow up in America, it's pretty rare if you don't love money. One of the first things I ever remember being punished for was stealing money. Five dollars, off my father's dresser.
Bob Cesca: The He-Man Woman Haters Club
The most popular radio talker in the world just called an ordinary citizen a slut and a prostitute in front of 15 million people. 15 million Americans tune in specifically to hear him say horrendous things like that.
Richard Cordray: Advancing Consumers' Interests
We have heard story after story of consumers being hit with fees they did not expect and do not understand. We take these complaints very seriously.
Sheila Bair: It's 2012: Do You Know Where Your Money Market Fund Is?
Would you take money that your daughter needs for braces and make a short term loan to a Wall Street firm? Probably not, but if you've put your ready cash in a prime money market fund, those are the kinds of places where your money may be sitting now.
Menachem Rosensaft: A Neo-Nazi in the GOP: Where's the Outrage From On High?
Arthur Jones, a neo-Nazi, outspoken anti-Semite and Holocaust denier, wants to be a Republican congressman from the Land of Lincoln.