THE BIG STORY, BY E.J. DIONNE "They don't like me," Richard Nixon once said, "but they tolerate me." That is the best Mitt Romney is likely to do with the tea partyers and the Christian conservatives and the Southerners who don't cotton to formerly moderate private equity guys from New England. But as it was for Nixon, this may be enough. READ MORE |
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FEATURED COLUMN: CONNIE SCHULTZ As all of the country knows, Limbaugh called 30-year-old law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" and asked her to post online video of her sex life. Mitt Romney's response -- "it's not the language I would have used" -- didn't exactly close the distance between him and the millions of mothers whose hair was on fire. We wanted fatherly outrage. He gave us a CEO's shrug. READ MORE |
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FEATURED COLUMN: LEONARD PITTS JR. The GOP has been so overrun by extremists that "moderate" is now an epithet and the moderate Republican Olympia Snowe just ran for the door. Sacking Rush Limbaugh would not fix that. The problem is not a conservative talk-show host, but conservatism itself as presently construed. It has become a landfill. Limbaugh is just a seagull circling the top. READ MORE |
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FEATURED COLUMN: JIM HIGHTOWER In these times of tinkle-down economics -- with the money powers thinking that they're the top dogs and that the rest of us are just a bunch of fire hydrants -- we need the hard-hitting (yet uplifting) musical stories, social commentaries, and inspired lyrical populism of Woody Guthrie. This year will mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of this legendary grassroots troubadour, who came out of the Oklahoma dust bowl to rally America's "just plain folks" to fight back against the elites who were knocking them down. READ MORE |
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TECHNOLOGY Apple gave the new iPad a bunch of new features -- including a sharper screen and faster processor -- but no new name. READ MORE |
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ARAB SPRING Syria's deputy oil minister announced his defection in an online video that emerged Thursday, making him the highest ranking official to abandon President Bashar Assad's regime since the country's uprising erupted a year ago. READ MORE |
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