November 20, 2012

Tuesday's Daily Brief: Hillary Clinton Dispatched to Middle East

Hillary Clinton Traveling To Middle East
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Egyptian President: Gaza Truce Deal Will Be Reached On Tuesday
Militant Rockets Hit Outskirts Of Jerusalem
Allen West Finally Concedes
Obama Plots Outside Game To Pressure Republicans On Fiscal Cliff
Global CO2 Levels Hit New Record
Michael Moore: An Open Letter to President Obama
This was truly another historic election and I would like to take a few minutes of your time to respectfully ask that your second term not resemble your first term.
Cecile Richards: Savita's Death Was Not an Isolated Incident
The slow and painful death Ireland's abortion ban forced Savita to endure brings to mind another tragic story. Earlier this year, doctors in the Dominican Republic refused chemotherapy to a 16-year-old cancer patient because she was pregnant. Think this couldn't happen in the United States? Think again.
Marlo Thomas: St. Jude Thanks and Giving: Brennan's Story
I'd like you to meet Brennan. He's a terrific little boy with a great smile and big dreams. He is also a patient at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and part of our annual Thanks & Giving campaign, and his story is one of several we're featuring on the TODAY show this week.
Leo W. Gerard: Party of Entitled Rich Threatens Economy
Republicans aren't talking about extending tax breaks for the 98 percent. Instead, they're threatening the economic life of the country if they don't get what they want -- tax breaks for people who don't need them.
Bill Moyers: WATCH: Activism and Aid for Coney Island's Hurricane Victims
Two weeks after Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc across the Northeast, and more than a week after power returned to Lower Manhattan, many public housing residents in Brooklyn's Coney Island were still without electricity, heat and hot water.