November 12, 2013

URGENT: Typhoon in Philippines - thousands feared dead.

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Dear Friend,
Typhoon Haiyan devastates Philippines
Thousands are feared dead. There is urgent need of food, clean water, medicine and shelter.
You can help save lives in the wake of this disaster.
I'm sure you've seen the news – thousands of people may be dead in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the islands this past weekend.
Oxfam is racing to ensure that 20,000 of the most vulnerable families have access to safe water, sanitation facilities and shelter. We have three assessment teams in the field and we're currently preparing 16 tons of aid for immediate shipment to the region.
Typhoon Haiyan, also known as Yolanda, is quite possibly the most powerful storm to ever hit land. Communication lines between some provinces are cut and roads need to be cleared so that aid can get through. Our teams are reporting urgent needs of food, clean water, medicine and shelter.
The coming hours and days will be critical. In an emergency like this, every moment counts. The faster we respond, the more people we can reach. We need your help – before it's too late.
People in some areas still recovering from a massive 7.2-magnitude earthquake just last month. Now, in Cebu local officials are reporting that virtually every home and building has sustained damage. Even the town hall – which had served as the evacuation center – needed to be evacuated.
We just heard from Tata Abella-Bolo, a member of our team, "The scene is one of utter devastation. There is no electricity in the entire area and no water. Local emergency food stocks have been distributed but stocks are dwindling. The immediate need is water."
Children are begging for help, holding up signs that read, "Help. We need water, food and medicine."
Your donation will help rush emergency aid to the places it's needed most in these early days, when it can make the biggest difference.
Thank you for your generosity and for everything you do to help people make it through emergencies like the one we face in the Philippines.
Raymond C. Offenheiser
Oxfam America

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