March 11, 2006

March 11, 2006 - Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's Hate Speech Commission

Dr. Eric Wallace speaks out against the Democratic regime. Check out his website at:

Hello Fred:

The imploding of the Hate Crimes Commission is just another example of the governor's ineptitude.

The Double Standard is Alive and Well

The recent commotion over the Hate Crime Commission has revealed a double standard that I find very troubling. It continues to demonstrate an insensitivity and incompetence associated with the Blagojevich administration.

The incompetence and insensitivity is allowing someone affiliated with a person who espouses hate language to be appointed to the Hate Crimes Commission. The double standard is that if this person was White and affiliated with a group who espoused hate language toward Blacks, there would be an outcry so loud it would be deafening.

As a Black Christian minister, I find this hypocrisy unacceptable. I find the silence of the Christian community deafening and deplorable. I am perplexed that others have not opened their mouths and stood with the Jewish community. But I forgot, Blagojevich is a democrat and Farrakhan is Black and for many, that trumps doing the right thing. It’s not politically correct to criticize either. My criticism to those who remain silent is that “the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

But hey, if association with hate speech is a plus to get on the commission against hate crimes, then where are the associates of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, and the neo-Nazis? Let’s put all the haters on the hate crime commission! We could rename the commission the “Hate Speech Commission!”

It is time to elect a new governor and state legislature that will protect our state from any further embarrassment.

Thanks for your support and prayers,

Eric Eric M. Wallace, PhD
Candidate for State Senate 19th District