March 03, 2006

March 3, 2006 - Dr. Eric Wallace for Senator of Illinois' 19th District Challenges Senator James Meeks

March 3, 2006

Dr. Eric Wallace – Illinois State Senate
Black Republican State Senate Candidate Issues Challenge to Meeks

CHICAGO, IL, March 2, 2006 – Republican State Senate candidate (19th district) Dr. Eric Wallace issued a challenge to State Senator Rev. James Meeks to consider running as a Republican since the Democrats are not living up to his standards. Dr. Wallace agrees with Meeks that the Democrats with the control of the House, Senate, Governor’s Mansion, County and City government should have accomplished more than they have for the empowerment of the black community.

But instead of starting a new party, Wallace suggests that he join the party that has the better civil rights record, the party that has consistently removed obstacles from black economic advancement and fought against the soft bigotry of low expectations. “The legacy of blacks in the Republican party extends back to the creation of the party and its platform against slavery. By its ratifying of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments abolishing slavery, giving blacks full citizenship, and guaranteeing blacks the right to vote, Republicans have consistently fought for respect and black empowerment.”

Dr. Wallace also stated, “the Republican party, which was once the party of choice for blacks should be their choice today. The first blacks to serve in Congress, as Governors, Lt. Governors and stated legislators were all Republican. It is time for our people, African Americans, to wake up and realize that blind allegiance to any party is unacceptable. Chicago and Cook County have been controlled by the Democrat Party for approximately 70 years. “How has your situation changed? Instead of starting a new party, without a history or legacy, return to the party of our forefathers and mothers. It is time that we stop giving our vote away in return for absolutely nothing,” states Dr. Wallace.

Dr. Wallace is running for state senate in the party of Lincoln, Frederick Douglas, Booker T. Washington, Hiram Revels, Josiah Walls, Edward Brook, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and many others who have fought the good fight of faith. Dr. Wallace challenges Rev. James Meeks, his brother in ministry, to do the same. “The one who is unsure of his past can never be sure of his future.” declared Dr. Wallace.

The Dr. Wallace for State Senate Committee encourages Rev. Meeks and his constituents to attend a pre-release screening of the new film, Emancipation, Revelation, Revolution. A movie that looks at the battle over civil rights and the role both major political parties have played in it.

For more information contact:
Samira E. Robinson, Director of Communications
Tele: (708) 679-0758