| | THE BIG STORY Moving from house to house, a U.S. Army sergeant opened fire Sunday on Afghan villagers as they slept, killing 16 people -- mostly women and children -- in an attack that reignited fury at the U.S. presence, following a wave of deadly protests over Americans burning Qurans. The attack threatened the deepest breach yet in U.S.-Afghan relations, raising questions both in Washington and Kabul about why American troops are still fighting in Afghanistan after 10 years of conflict and the killing of Osama bin Laden. READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | ELECTION 2012 In preparation for Tuesday's primaries in Alabama and Mississippi, Rick Santorum attended church services in the town of Tupelo, Miss. Mitt Romney didn't make any appearances in person but was all over the airwaves: His campaign boosted television ad spending from $165,000 to $233,000 in Alabama, while a Romney-affiliated Super PAC shelled out $1.42 million on ads in Alabama and $973,000 in Mississippi. READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | FEATURED COLUMN: LEONARD PITTS JR. This is what Bill Cosby, Sidney Poitier, Diahann Carroll and Motown did for African-Americans. It is what Mary Tyler Moore and "Cagney and Lacey" did for feminist women. It is what Ellen DeGeneres, "Will and Grace" and "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" did for gays. And, it is why no less an authority than Bill Cosby himself has said he thinks the time is ripe for a Muslim "Cosby Show." READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | FEATURED COLUMN: E.J. DIONNE The nation's Roman Catholic bishops will make an important decision this week: Do they want to defend the church's legitimate interest in religious autonomy, or do they want to wage an election-year war against President Obama? And do the most conservative bishops want to junk the Roman Catholic Church as we have known it, with its deep commitment to both life and social justice, and turn it into the Tea Party at prayer? READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | MONEY Their primary contest may have given Republicans an early edge in collecting as many unlimited donations as humanly possible for their Super PACs, but the Democrats -- boosted by both fear and outrage over the GOP's war against contraception -- may be pulling its big spenders back into the party fold. From now on that will no longer be complicated. The top three Democratic Super PACs are effectively merging, filing documentation with the federal government to operate under the banner of "Unity 2012." Candidates for the House and Senate as well as the President will all receive outside funding from the same pool of cash. READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | TODAY IN STUPID Neil Livingstone, a Republican, claims to have explored tunnels beneath the demilitarized zone separating the Koreas, fled from angry Nazis in Argentina, suffered interrogation in 1980s Libya, and dined with Russian mafiosi. But he insists that he was wrongly subpoenaed for gun running and involvement in the Iran-Contra affair. What about that time the colorful Livingstone was found on a yacht belonging to a swashbuckling pirate, along with numerous hookers? He was on a mission, he says, securing private planes to spy on a foreign country. And when he sought millions of dollars to help Moammar Gadhafi find a safe haven, he says that he was only trying to avert bloodshed. READ MORE | Send To A Friend >> | CARTOON OF THE DAY | Send To A Friend >> | |