THE BIG STORY The United States added 227,000 jobs in February in the latest display of the economic recovery's surprising breadth and brawn. Though unemployment remained at 8.3 percent, the past three months have brought the strongest job growth since the Great Recession, boosting President Obama's re-election prospects. READ MORE |
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FEATURED COLUMN: CYNTHIA TUCKER Rush Limbaugh, certainly, has spewed heaps of putrid commentary; the talk meister has done his part to rip apart the fabric of tolerance and compromise. But Limbaugh didn't teach Republican politicians to use harsh language replete with demeaning phrases to describe their opponents' policies. That was Gingrich's great accomplishment. READ MORE |
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VIDEO OF THE DAY Mitt Romney -- who has previously praised the height of Michigan's trees and sung of his love for Davy Crockett in Tennessee -- has been telling Mississippi crowds that he loves grits. "I got started right this morning with a biscuit and some cheesy grits," he said. "Delicious!" Romney later repeated the line, explaining that he's becoming an "unofficial southerner." READ MORE |
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FEATURED COLUMN: MATTHEW YGLESIAS Paying Manhattan rents to live in a trailer in North Dakota sounds absurd. What's really crazy, however, is that it costs so much to live in New York in the first place. READ MORE |
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FEATURED COLUMN: ELLEN CHESLER Access to safe and reliable contraception has helped make possible the hard-won gains that women in the United States have achieved during the past 40 years in education, employment, and participation in public life. And no irony was lost in the fact that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives marked International Women's Day by holding another in what has been a constant drumbeat of hearings on some piece of legislation that would roll back fundamental reproductive rights and further politicize women's health. READ MORE |
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FEATURED COLUMN: JONATHAN ALTER It's almost six years since Twitter was founded. What's the next web tool poised for explosive growth? It may be Change.org, which boasts almost 10 million active users and is adding more than a million users a month. READ MORE |
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