July 25, 2013

Juror B29, ‘Maddy,’ says ‘Zimmerman got away with murder’ - The Washington Post

Juror B29, ‘Maddy,’ says ‘Zimmerman got away with murder’ - The Washington Post'via Blog this'

Can you believe this idiot!!! She acquitted Zimmerman of murder and now she wants to say he was guilty!!! This juror of "color" is the reason why blacks suffer in America. She needs to be horse whipped. Two weeks after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, the only person on the jury who is a member of an ethnic minority said in an ABC News interview that Zimmerman “got away with murder.’ Juror B29, identified only by her first name Maddy, sat down with ABC’s Robin Roberts, to discuss the trial for “Good Morning America.” As the first juror to show her face on camera, Maddy expressed both conviction and regret...regret my @#!...Juror B29 is looking for a payday just like the house N*&%$#@ were looking for when they told on the field slaves...Traitor, Traitor, Traitor...