July 22, 2013

Scarborough Calls Hannity's Comments on Martin Case 'Racially Intolerant'

Scarborough Calls Hannity's Comments on Martin Case 'Racially Intolerant''via Blog this'

White Supremacy host Sean Hannity, his KKK cohorts and followers/listeners is who we must fight for black and others of color in America. We may need an "American Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter" similar to the "Arab Spring" in order to get justice for all Americans. 

Former Florida GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough lit into Fox talk-show host Sean Hannity Monday for suggesting that Trayvon Martin was a messed up teenager who "had it coming" when he was killed by George Zimmerman in their confrontation in February 2012. 

Speaking with emotion and using strong words tinged with anger and frustration, Scarborough, host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," blasted Hannity and "others on the right" and "some in the middle," who, in effect, said 17-year-old Martin was responsible for his own death because he had "signs of marijuana in his system." 

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Scarborough-Hannity-Trayvon-insensitive/2013/07/22/id/516262#ixzz2ZnnF9pV9
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