March 17, 2006

March 17, 2006: NICOR Services - Unprofessional Behavior of a Staff Person and Vendor

New post: March 22, 2006

On March 18, 2006 E&S Appliance came out to the house and fixed the wall oven in 5 minutes. One Stop Appliance was negligent in its duties.

If anyone is having problems with NICOR's Services' Supervisor Tad, please report it to Mr. Russ Strobel. This is the only way we can stop Tad's oppressive and intimidating nature.

NICOR Services will not do anything about an "isolated" incident, even though I have had plenty of them with Tad.

March 17, 2006

Mr. Russ M. Strobel, Chairman, President & CEO
1844 Ferry Road
Naperville, Illinois 60563-9600

Re: NICOR’s Services Home Comfort Guard: Customer Service

Mr. Strobel:

On March 8, 2006 I, Fred Nance Jr., called requesting service on my wall oven (claim #209590), dishwasher (claim #209593) and plumbing for kitchen sink, kitchen bathroom and utility room (claim #209597). Vincent took my order. Vincent was very professional. I informed Vincent my wall oven’s handle and glass door came apart because a screw came out falling inside of the door. I informed him my dishwasher had a burning smell when operating. I informed him water was dripping heavily in the utility room from old pipes; kitchen bathroom faucet was leaking profusely; and kitchen sink faucet was becoming detached. This is very simple layman language from me. No insult intended. I am not sure of what the “real or professional” language would be for the problem I am having with these items.

On March 16, 2006 Jim arrived at approximately 11:00 am from One Stop Appliance Repair, located at 10204 So. Komensky Ave., Oak Lawn, Illinois, for claim #’s 209590 and 209593. My wife Darlene greeted him. Jim decided my wall oven issue as cosmetic. He reports NICOR does not pay for cosmetic work. Jim did not do any work to the oven. He gave us a referral to call Automatic Appliance Parts Co. Jim did not address my original order stating a screw had fallen inside the wall oven door. The door needed to be taken apart, screw retrieved, and part described above put in place and screwed back together. Jim left the wall oven undone.

I called NICOR Services about 11:45 am about this service from One Stop Appliance requesting One Stop Appliance return and finish the job. A representative by the name of Delilah responded to my call. I explained what had happened. I explained the wall oven’s screw had come off before and NICOR Services’ referral company took the door to the oven apart, retrieved the screw, and put it back in place. I further explained my family will buy a “new” oven in the future and will not replace or buy any “cosmetic” pieces, that is, glass door for our wall oven as this will be an unnecessary expense for us. Delilah explained how she could not assist me with my problem. I requested to speak to a supervisor.

Delilah came back to the phone reporting her supervisor told her since I had previous service on the wall oven and was going to buy another wall oven I should do that because I could not get any further service on my wall oven. I informed Delilah to examine my account because I have a “Presidential” complaint on file about issues such as explained.

The Presidential Complaint

On or about Saturday, February 11, 2006, I called NICOR Gas to pay some money on my bill. During this payment call I requested a portion of my payment go to NICOR Services. The young lady taking my call informed me I could not request a portion of my payment going to NICOR Services. I requested she examine my account for previous complaints and let me speak to a supervisor. I talked to Terrell a supervisor located in Sycamore, Illinois who stated my account was flagged with a “Presidential” complaint and they could not service me. Terrell informed me my account reports I would have to call 630-983-8676 ext. 3078 requesting to speak to Anthony at 8:30 am on Monday morning (I am not sure if the name Anthony was given to me for this phone number. I have the name written in my notes by this phone number). In addition, Terrell informed me I would have to call back Monday, February 13, 2006 to make my payment. Terrell refused to take my payment. I informed him I wanted to make this payment to avoid my services being disconnected. Terrell informed me I had to call Monday morning to make a payment. I called on Monday, February 13, 2006, reporting I talked to Mr. Russ Strobel who stated I would not be treated indifferently because of my November 2005 complaint. The representative at the number above informed me I should not have been treated as I had nor given the information about my account being “flagged” in a way which would bring into question a negative connotation. The representative informed me I was not being treated indifferently. The representative took my payment stating a portion my NICOR Gas payment would be applied to NICOR Services.

Back to the Original Complaint of March 17, 2006

I asked Delilah for the supervisor’s name who gave her this information to give to me. Delilah reports this statement came from Tad. Please refer to Presidential complaint dated November 12, 2005 about Tad, which I spoke to you personally about. You informed me if I had any further issues with Tad to contact you personally.

I asked and requested Delilah tape record my call. Delilah reports she could not tape record our conversation at my request, but some calls are automatically taped for training purposes. I asked Delilah to let me speak to Tad. Delilah came back to the phone stating Tad informed her to take my request for additional services. Delilah informed me One Stop Appliance would be returning to my house on March 17, 2006 to finish the job. Tad refused to speak to me.

My wife waited on One Stop Appliance to come back to finish the job. At approximately 3:00 pm, my wife left to run some errands. She could not wait any longer. Jim did not call. Jim from One Stop Appliance called my home at approximately 9:00 pm stating he could tell me or my wife how to personally fix our wall oven. I informed Jim I pay NICOR Services to perform this duty. Jim stated he could not fix the problem because some of the parts were missing. I informed Jim the parts were on top of the wall oven. Jim stated “how was I supposed to know that.” I informed Jim he did not have to worry about this issue any longer. I informed Jim I did not want him or his company to come back to my home. I called NICOR Services. Jim has given 2 different reasons.

From the floor to the top of the wall oven is approximately 5 feet. I asked my wife if Jim was a midget. You would have to be 4 feet tall not to see the parts to the oven on top of the oven. The parts consist of the handle and corner piece. This was a very unprofessional statement made by Jim. I do not need individuals coming to my home talking to me or my family in manner that is demeaning in nature.

I spoke to Crystal who facilitated my previous order assigning Aldo Appliance for the wall oven job. I requested a “flag” on One Stop Appliance so I will not have to decide if they come to my home for any repairs. I explained to Crystal if I have another work order I would not remember the company’s name of a bad experience.

Sir, I write to you, in particular to inform you of the continuous nature of the nefarious acts of Tad, your “talented” supervisor as you so well described him to me. I would have hoped Tad would refrain from his unscrouplous behavior due to our previous encounters and your intervention. I guess nothing deters those who believe they have “power.” This type of power, Sir, is superficial.

Sir, we spoke of contractual services before and their renewal processes. You may have companies you contract with believing they are above reproach. This is not good for the consumer of NICOR Gas and Services, nor the public at large.

I would like to ask the question I wanted answered in February of 2006. What does it mean to have my account flagged with a “Presidential” complaint? Is this a good or bad thing? The individuals located in Sycamore, Illinois did not want to take my payment or hear my complaint because my account was flagged.

I will make another payment today on my NICOR Gas account. My account is in the rear because of the recent gas hikes. I try to make my payments online through my bank account. I know I will not have a problem with NICOR Gas or Services accepting that payment (smile).

I was informed I could not go over $300.00 for my plumbing. Therefore, I am going to request the plumber focus on my utility room as the priority. I hope this is okay. Could you please have someone call me and explain how this $300.00 limit on service affects my future need for plumbing service?

Respectfully submitted,

Fred Nance Jr., ABD, MA, CADC, NCRS

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