April 06, 2006

April 27, 2006 - Toyota's Business Practices: Do They Have Ethics and Integrity? Identity Theft at Lexus of Orland, Illinois

Update: April 28, 2006

I called American Express Card Services at 11:15 am (CST) speaking to Ms. Blackwell, at 1:38 pm (CST) speaking to Ms. Murray, and at 3:00 pm (CST) speaking to Ms. James. They report Orland Toyota has not reversed their charges of $1000.00. It appears they are keeping my money to get the interest from it before they reverse it back. They do not care about public opinion. I think people can find somewhere else to shop for their automobiles. Do not fool yourself. Do not think you deny freedom and retain it for yourself. If they do it to me today, they will do it to you tomorrow.

Update: April 28, 2006

I called American Express (AMEX) at 11:15 am (CST) to see if Orland Toyota put my money back on my account. They had not. I received information from AMEX, which I faxed to Mr. Hector Torres, General Sales Manager of Orland Park Toyota and to Mr. Robert McKinnon, General Manager of Orland Park Lexus Toyota. I gave the following instructions to these gentlemen: I have talked to American Express and have been given the instructions to how you put my money back on my account. You call card authorization 1-800-528-2121 to reverse your charges of $1000.00. This is simple. I expect you to immediately reverse your charges to my account. I will post and publish this statement to my website where I posted my complaint against you. You can access my website by going to C.L.I.C.K. for Justice and Equality.

CAN YOU TRUST THEM? Toyota's honesty, ethics and integrity should be challenged. I was discriminated and retaliated against for filing complaints with Toyota's Corporate Office.

The "Identity Theft", which took place at Lexus, Orland Park, Illinois was reported in the local newspapers. Auto salesmen in the local area and Chicagoland are talking about the "alleged" theft of a customer's personal information taken by an automobile salesman of Lexus of Orland.

On April 18, 2006 at approximately 9:15 am I gave a Toyota representative my American Express card to extract $1000.00 as my down payment for the 2007 Yaris Toyota. This representative checked my credit with his financial manager on April 18, 2006 and was trying to get me to take the car home that day. I informed him I wanted to wait on Mr. Torres to come back from his vacation before I took possession of the car. It is strange that on April 27, 2006 I was denied the car because of my credit. What would have happened if I had taken the car home on April 18, 2006?

I have the handwritten document where the representative or his financial advisor wrote and gave me three (3) options for purchasing the Yaris on April 18, 2006 at approximately 9:30 am. The written document reports, "w/$1000 down, 60 x 398, 66 x 376, 72 x 357". This means "months x monthly payments." I chose 72 months and $357.00 a month.

I went across the street from Orland Park Toyota to Orland Park Nissan and purchased a Nissan Sentra, giving the same information as given to Orland Park Toyota, for $18,000.00 with a $1000.00 down, 72 payments of $368.85 at an annual percentage rate of 18.35%. Orland Park Nissan had no problem getting me financed.

Update on Toyota Financial's Lease End Services Department - I received all monies owed. My correspondence to Mr. GeorgeBorst, President & CEO, of Toyota Financial Services was received and forwarded to Ms. Christy Morales, Executive Administrator. Ms. Morales wrote a reply letter stating I would receive the final amount of $108.50.

April 27, 2006

Toyota Motor Sales USA
Mr. Yuki Funo, CEO Toyota North America
19001 So. Western Ave., Dept. WC11
Torrance, California 90509

Toyota Financial Services
Mr. George Borste, President & CEO
19851 So. Western Avenue
Torrance, California 90509

Re: Orland Lexus/Toyota/Scion


On April 27, 2006 I went to Orland Toyota to finalize my purchase of a 2007 Yaris Toyota. I spoke to Mr. Hector Torres who informed me I was turned down for my purchase stating I had to come up with $5,000.00 down because of my credit score. This car’s sticker price is $15,000+. I requested he refund my $1000.00. Mr. Torres informed me he would submit the request for my money on April 27th, 28th, or May 1st, 2006. This was about 1:15 pm.

I went across the street to Orland Park Nissan. I bought a Nissan Sentra for $18,000 with a $1000.00 down. I achieved this with the same information Orland Toyota received from me. At about 5:30 pm, after finishing my deal, I went back across the street to Orland Toyota speaking to Mr. Torres inquiring whether he had submitted the request for my money. Mr. Torres informed me the people who handle my situation leave at 3:00 pm. Mr. Torres informed me he could not stop what he was doing to take care of my business. I informed Mr. Torres this was not acceptable stating I would write this letter to his corporate office. Mr. Torres stated, “I take that as a threat.” I informed Mr. Torres I was not concerned with how he was personally taking what I said. Mr. Torres stated to me, “This conversation is over.”

The following is how this transaction started with Orland Toyota.

On April 18, 2006 at approximately 9:15 am I visited Orland Toyota. I spoke to a Toyota representative about the purchase of a car. I decided to purchase a Yaris. The Toyota representative quoted a price of $357.00 a month for 72 months. I put a $1000.00 down on the deal. I informed him I wanted to speak to Hector Torres, General Sales Manager, to see if I could work the price of the car down. The representative informed me Mr. Torres was on vacation and he did not know when he would return.

I proceeded over to the Lexus side of the Toyota business to see Mr. Keith Norris, Sales Representative for Lexus. Mr. Norris assisted my family in leasing cars from the Toyota side of business. I wanted Keith to assist me in talking with the other representative.

I asked for Keith and was directed to Mr. Robert J. McKinnon II, General Manager of Lexus. Mr. McKinnon informed me Keith no longer worked there. I informed Mr. McKinnon I had a personal counselor/client relationship with Keith. Mr. McKinnon informed me Keith was accused and arrested by the Will County Sheriff’s Department for “Identity Theft” stating Keith had taken his wife’s best friend’s personal information. Mr. McKinnon informed me Mr. Torres would be back to work on Monday, April 24, 2006. I was surprised Mr. McKinnon revealed this confidential information.

Orland Lexus/Toyota/Scion has some serious ethical and integrity issues from both management and staff. I spoke to Mr. Torres on April 24th and 26th. Mr. Torres could have informed me on both occasions I was denied the purchase. I believe I was discriminated against because of my previous complaints about River Oaks Toyota and Toyota Financial Services’ Lease End Services Department.

Gentlemen, I expect my American Express account to have $1000.00 in it on April 28, 2006. I made this “proposed” deal with this representative by giving him my American Express card. Orland Toyota extracted the money the same day. I should be able to get my money back the same way. I will post, on my website, this letter along with the other letters on River Oaks Toyota and Toyota Financial Services’ Lease End Services Department for public viewing. The world should know the ethics and integrity Toyota carries with its managers and staff. The world should know how one can be subjected to “Identity Theft” dealing with Toyota.

I am pursuing my money from Toyota because I do not trust your ethics and integrity. Mr. Torres took a photo copy of my American Express card. What is he going to do with this information? He could have taken my card over to the person who handles the refunds and let them call in or do what they do toward a refund. What did Mr. Torres do with the photo copy of my American Express card? Did he lie it down or around somewhere? All customers of Toyota should inquire about their information. This company is suspect.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred Nance Jr., ABD, MA, CADC, NCRS
Social Policy Analyst

cc: Hector Torres, General Sales Manager (fax copy only)
Mr. Yuki Funo, CEO Toyota North America
Mr. George Borste, President & CEO

March 27, 2006

Toyota Motor Sales USA
Mr. Yuki Funo, CEO Toyota North America
19001 So. Western Ave., Dept. WC11
Torrance, California 90509

Toyota Financial Services
Mr. George Borste, President & CEO
19851 So. Western Avenue
Torrance, California 90509

Re: 2003 Toyota Corolla Refund – Account number 03-0612-95183
Vehicle Identification Number 1NXBR32E43Z023573

Dear Sir/Madam:

I, Fred Nance Jr., and my wife, Darlene Bouyer-Nance, submit this writing objecting to Toyota taking our refund of $108.50. We received two (2) refund checks from Toyota Motor Credit Corporation, Lexus Financial Services, P.O. 9490, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52409-9490 totaling $216.50. On April 22, 2002, we paid a security deposit of $375.00.

On February 14, 2006 we returned our lease Toyota without damages. Toyota determined in our presence the lease Corolla had damages that were normal wear and tear. There were no photos/pictures taken, in our presence, by Toyota of our car upon return.

On March 3, 2006 Toyota determined excessive wear and use of $281.00, refunding $94.00 dollars to us. We rejected this refund. We called Toyota. Upon analysis, a representative stating there were no pictures of the vehicle available, a second refund was issued in the amount of $122.50 on March 8, 2006. This totals $216.50. This leaves a balance of $158.50. We conceded there were cigarette burns in the drivers’ seat of the car. We were charged $50.00 for this damage. This would leave a balance of $108.50.

We were charged additionally for a left fender panel dent-no paint, severity 3 ½” to 6” = $35.00, a left front door panel dent-paint damage, severity 3 ½“ to 6” = $108.50, and a front bumper, bumper cover crack, severity cracked paint>3 ½“ = $87.50. We reject these charges. This totals $231.00. If we conceded to the description of the “paint” described above, it would be normal wear and tear.

We conceded to $50.00 for the “multiple burns.” This means Toyota owes us $108.50. Toyota should have taken pictures of our car when we presented it on February 14, 2006 so we could have discussed proposed damages. For Toyota to take a “condition report” on February 24, 2006 is ludicrous. The customer/consumer has no recourse for contesting the charges.

From talking to your representative, it appears there were no pictures taken or presented to anyone. In addition, it was stated to us Toyota believes because they use an outside vendor to assess the car, this makes it a legitimate analysis. This analysis is biased because it was not performed in front of the customer/consumer. We respectfully request our refund balance of $108.50.

Thank you.

Fred Nance Jr., ABD, MA, CADC, NCRS
Social Policy Analyst

cc: http://clickforjusticeandequality.blogspot.com/

July 20, 2005

Toyota Sales USA
National Customer Relations
19001 South Western Avenue, Dept. WC11
Torrance, California 90509

Re: River Oaks Toyota – Case # 200507200135

Dear Sir/Madam:

I, Fred Nance Jr., am writing this formal complaint to Toyota Sales USA. On July 19, 2005 at approximately 7:45 am (CST), my wife, Darlene Bouyer-Nance, took our 2003 Toyota Corolla (1NXBR32E43Z023573) to River Oaks Toyota for automobile service. She informed Mr. Todd Sobczak that she needed her brakes fixed, the service light was on, and she needed an oil change. She presented River Oaks Toyota’s advertisement for discount on the brake service and oil change.

The Brake Inspection advertisement reads: Service includes: Inspection of rotors/drums, calipers and cylinders (brake pads and shoes for wear); Report of brake system condition or estimate of repair cost; and Inspection charge will be applied to repair cost if repairs are performed here; cost $29.95.

The Front Brake Service advertisement reads: Service includes: Replace front brake pads; Inspect front and rear rotors/drums; Check parking brake, inspect all hardware; Road test; cost $99.95.

The Oil & Service Change Service advertisement reads: Service includes: Up to five quarts of premium oil; Genuine Toyota oil filter; and Check all fluid levels; cost $23.95.

My wife called me at 1:44 pm (CST) on my cell phone informing me that Mr. Todd Sobczak called her informing her that she needed to replace the front pads, resurface rotors, clean and adjust rear brakes, oil change, replace gas cap, rescan computer and clear codes. He quoted a price of $545.00 with the coupons (advertisement). She told him she would call him back.

After my wife gave me this information, I called Todd. I asked Todd why was the price so high and why did the gas cap need replacing. Todd informed me that with the advertisement the cost was $445.00. Todd informed me that the car had to be put on a system to determine why the service light was on. Todd informed me that the computer determined that the gas cap was faulty and was losing pressure triggering the system to alert the driver by the service light coming on. I asked Todd why did I have to pay for a faulty gas cap. Todd told me that since the car had over 50,000 miles I must have taken the gas cap off more than 2000 times to put gas in the car. I asked Todd what does that have to do with a faulty gas cap.

I called my wife back telling her I had talk to Todd. My wife called Todd back. This had to be after 2:00 pm (CST). The work had not been done yet. Todd admitted this work did not start until after 2:00 pm. The work was completed at 3:55 pm (per invoice).

On July 20, 2005, my wife and I went to pick up our car. We received an invoice for $430.74. The invoice displays the time the service to the automobile was done. The time listed is 15:55 (3:55 pm CST). This is less than two hours. I asked Todd to explain why I was charged $343.75 for labor. First, Todd informed me that my car had been at River Oaks Toyota for more than 8 hours. I asked him what does that have to do with the labor cost. Second, Todd informed me that the guys who work on the cars have over 20 years experience. I asked Todd what does this have to do with my labor cost. Third, Todd informed me that the guys work on “book hours.” I asked Todd to explain “book hours” to me. Todd informed me that this labor cost is based on “book hours.” Todd reports that I was charged 4 hours labor for 2 hours of actual work done on the car. Todd did not explain “book hours” to me. Jackie of Toyota Customer Relations informed me later that Toyota developed “book hours” from a normal industry cost for repairs to an automobile.

I talked to Mr. Sylvester Jackson, Service Manager, who basically pushed aside my issues. I asked for his name. He gave me his card. I asked for Todd’s information, he instructed me to get Todd’s card from him. I asked for a corporate address, a vice-president of operations, and a phone number. He gave me 1-800-331-4331.

My River Oaks Toyota invoice for labor repairs reads:

Replace Front Brake Pads $ 88.00 Labor
Machine Front Brake Rotors 158.40 Labor
Clean and Adjust Rear Brakes 34.95 Labor
Replace Fuel Cap Assembly 88.00 Labor
$ 369.35

The River Oaks Toyota invoice reports: Customer states check engine light is on? Check and advise, no charge. Customer states brakes are making noise? Check all 4 wheels and advise, no charge.

River Oaks Toyota post a sign reflecting a labor charge of $88.00 an hour for service on all vehicles in their shop area. This labor cost is not reflected in their advertisement. Most other automobile advertisement for services such as complained about do not charge labor cost, unless specifically mentioned in the advertisement.


River Oaks Toyota charged me for 4 hours of work when I actually had 2 hours of work done on my car. Todd informed me that his men have over 20 years of experience, reporting they work faster than the “book hours.” Yet, I was charged an extra 2 hours for labor not done.

With River Oaks Toyota charging 4 hours for 2 hours of labor, they are able to bill a customer 16-hours for an 8-hour labor day, if you use the criteria for measurement as illustrated here. This is preposterous, outrageous, contemptible, and ludicrous.

River Oaks Toyota has no “Customer Relations Manager” as most Toyota facilities have to expedite and examine customer complaints before it rises to levels of corporate interference in its affairs.

Toyota Sales USA should have a recall of all faulty gas caps for their vehicles if they cannot keep the pressurized system intact without creating a cost to the customer for repairs and replacement because of a service light coming on. I was told that the whole cap assembly had to be replaced. The invoice reflects this replacement also. I had to pay a cost for the rescanning of my vehicle and clearing of codes (whatever that means), and the resetting of the computer system to my car just because I had a faulty gas cap system. There is clearly something wrong here. I should not be paying the cost for a faulty system or the labor charges incurred because of it.

Therefore, I respectfully request a complete and thorough investigation into this matter. If deemed appropriate, I expect to be refunded monies for this overcharge and any and all other equitable remedies for relief.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred L Nance Jr., ABD, MA, CADC, NCRS
Social Policy Analyst

cc: Senator James Meeks, State Representative David Miller, http://www.complaints.com/, http://www.clickservices.org/, River Oaks Toyota Owner Tony Cassello, River Oaks Toyota General Manager James Lebo

September 28, 2005

Office of the Attorney General
State of Illinois, Lisa Madigan Attorney General
Ms. Dolores Rodman, Citizen Advocate
Consumer Protection Division
100 West Randolph Street
Chicago, Illinois 60601

Re: River Oaks Toyota File # 2005-CONSC-00132352
Complaint #2

Ms. Rodman:

This is a follow-up to my complaint dated July 20, 2005, which is filed with the Office of the Attorney General, State of Illinois, Lisa Madigan, Attorney General. I received the Illinois Attorney General office’s response letter to my complaint on River Oaks Toyota dated September 16, 2005. I also received a response letter from Mr. David Miller, my Illinois State Representative for the 29th District, dated August 26, 2005, who directed me to your office regarding addressing my issues complained about on River Oaks Toyota. The River Oaks Toyota complaint of July 20, 2005 is also posted on http://www.complaints.com/. I will post this second complaint on http://www.complaints.com/. I will also post and publish this complaint, with the first complaint which is already posted and published, on http://clickforjusticeandequality.blogspot.com/. I am faxing a copy of this letter and the original letter of July 20, 2005 to River Oaks Toyota, specifically to Mr. Shawn M. Sprang, General Sales Manager, who responded to my issues today, September 28, 2005.

On September 27, 2005 I, Fred Nance Jr., called and spoke to River Oaks Toyota Service Manager, Sylvester Jackson (black male), stating I wanted to bring my Toyota Corolla in on Wednesday September 28, 2005 for inspection due to the brakes squeaking. I reminded Mr. Jackson of my previous complaint against him and the service I received from River Oaks Toyota. Mr. Jackson stated he remembered me, and my complaint. I informed Mr. Jackson that the service I required had a direct link to the service I received from River Oaks Toyota on July 19, 2005. I asked Mr. Jackson what time should I bring the car in for inspection. Mr. Jackson informed me I could bring it in anytime because it would be evaluated on a “first-come, first-serve” basis.

On September 28, 2005 at approximately 8:32 am, my wife Darlene Bouyer-Nance arrived at River Oaks Toyota with our 2003 Toyota reporting the “brakes” were squeaking. The brakes were the primary repair service done at River Oaks Toyota on July 19, 2005.

I instructed my wife to ask for Mr. Jackson because of the previous problems we have had with River Oaks Toyota. I informed my wife I had talked Mr. Jackson on Tuesday, September 27, 2005. My wife reports, she informed Mr. Jackson of the problem with the brakes. My wife reports, Mr. Jackson informed her the car would be ready in 1-½ hours. I picked my wife up and took her to work. The car was supposed to ready by 10:00 am.

My wife and I returned to River Oaks Toyota at approximately 1:45 pm to pick up the car. Mr. Jackson informed my wife the car was not ready. My wife stated to Mr. Jackson that he told her it would be ready in 1-½ hours this morning. Mr. Jackson told my wife, in a sarcastic manner, I told you if you are going to wait for your car it would be ready in 1-½ hours, and that if you were leaving it, it would not be ready until 3:00 pm. My wife told Mr. Jackson he did not say anything about 3:00 pm. I informed Mr. Jackson that we wanted our car now. Mr. Jackson informed us that there had not been any work done on the car. My wife stated she was on her lunch break and wanted her car now.

I immediately became irritated at this behavior and character of acts displayed by Mr. Jackson. I asked to speak to his boss. Mr. Jackson stated “you are talking to him.” I asked to speak to the person who owned this business. Mr. Jackson informed me that person would be up in the front. I went to the front of the store asking a gentleman I passed if he worked here. The gentleman informed me he worked for River Oaks Toyota. I asked for directions to address my issues with the owner of River Oaks Toyota. The gentleman pointed to a space in the front of the store where there were approximately 3 white males and two white females.

I requested to speak to the owner of River Oaks Toyota. Mr. Shawn M. Sprang, General Sales Manager, informed me the owner was out of town, and that I could address my issues with him. I began articulating my issues and position scanning the faces of the 3 white males and two white females as I spoke. Mr. Sprang suggested that if I wanted to obtain some resolve to my issues, I should only address him and not talk as if I am talking to everyone else.

I articulated my “free-speech” rights guarded by the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. Nevertheless, I looked directly at him and stated, “What are you going to do?” I informed him of Mr. Jackson statements, listed above, that he did not have a boss. Mr. Sprang stated if Mr. Jackson is talking about the service department, he does not have a boss. I stated to Mr. Sprang, “I am talking about the person who owns this business as I said to Mr. Jackson.” Mr. Sprang stated he would go back to the service department to see what is going on.

Mr. Sprang came back to me stating the service department told him they told my wife that her car would be ready in an hour and half if she was going to wait for the car or it would be ready at 3:00 pm if she left. I told Mr. Sprang that they were lying and protecting each other. I also informed Mr. Sprang of the conversation I had with Mr. Jackson on Tuesday, September 27, 2005, Mr. Jackson stating, “Work is done to cars on a first-come, first-serve basis.” I also told Mr. Sprang what difference did it make if a person leaves their car or stays with their car if you operate on a “first-come, first-serve basis.”

Mr. Sprang informed my wife and I that our car was outside waiting on us. Mr. Sprang told me that he suggest I find somewhere else to take my car and that he did not care if I never came back up River Oaks Toyota stating he did not like that I addressed my complaint and issues of their services in the open area of their showroom floor. Mr. Sprang threatened to call the police on me for disturbing his showroom. I told him to call them. My wife and I left River Oaks Toyota without getting any follow-up service on a possible fault in the services received from River Oaks Toyota on July 19, 2005. River Oaks Toyota owes us the responsibility of their performed work on our vehicle.

My wife and I are black. The personnel of River Oaks Toyota disrespected us. We have suffered disparate and indifferent treatment, along with being discriminated against by Mr. Shawn M. Sprang representing River Oaks Toyota. Mr. Sprang does not treat his “white” customers as we were treated. If a company operates it auto service department on a “first-come, first-serve basis” it does not matter if one stays with their car or leaves it. Either way when an estimated time is determined for completion of the service, the service should be completed. The service to one’s vehicle should not be determined by whether they will wait on their car or leave it. This does not meet the criteria for “first-come, first-serve.”

I respectfully request the Illinois Attorney General’s office continue to press forward conducting a complete and thorough investigation into the issues presented in this letter and the letter dated July 20, 2005. I will hand-deliver this follow-up (complaint letter #2) letter to the Illinois Attorney General’s office located at 100 West Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60601, on September 29, 2005.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred Nance Jr., ABD, MA, CADC, NCRS
Social Policy Analyst

cc: Mr. David Miller (fax copy)
Illinois Attorney General (fax copy Chicago & Springfield)
Mr. Shawn M. Sprang, General Sales Manager, River Oaks Toyota
Mr. Sylvester Jackson, Service Manager, River Oaks Toyota
Toyota Motor Corporation, USA, National Customer Relations