April 25, 2006

Update: August 3, 2006

Sprint has increased my spending limit from $200.00 to $450.00. Vice President Marci Carris reports this action by Sprint is to acknowledge my loyalty and good payment history. I currently have a family plan with 3 phones. I expect to pay my monthly bill on time, as usual, but this increase decreases the anxiety if I am few dollars short. I want to thank Sprint for the flexibility.

June 6, 2006

Sprint Corporation
Sprint World Headquarters
Len J. Lauer, President & COO
Gary D. Forsee, Chairman & CEO
Robert J. Dellinger, EVP & CFO
6160 Sprint Pkwy.
Overland Park, KS 66251

Re: Account #xxxxxxxxxxx


I, Fred L Nance Jr., am writing today about Sprint Store – 870, 17545 Torrence Avenue, Lansing, Illinois 60438. On June 6, 2006 I went to this store to conduct a “transfer of liability” having my daughter’s phone added to my account. Mr. Julius, who reports he is a supervisor, approached my issue in a very unprofessional manner.

On June 5, 2006 I talked to a retention department employee, who identifies himself as “xxxxxxxx”, for over an hour about my account. I requested Mr. Julius look at my account so I could discuss my issues. Instead of looking at my account, Mr. Julius kept badgering me to tell him what I wanted from the store. I requested to talk to the manager of the store. Mr. Julius informed me his managers, Richard and Lisa, was out and would not be in the store today. Mr. Julius informed me Lisa was the primary manager. Mr. Julius informed me he could not contact his managers by phone, and he could not give me his manager’s number when I requested it.

I requested a business card. Mr. Julius gave me Mr. Richard Fowler’s business card, is manager, which had his cell phone number on it. I called Mr. Fowler reporting the issues I had with Mr. Julius’ demeanor and character being unprofessional. I explained the following to Mr. Fowler.

On June 5, 2006 I talked to a Sprint retention department employee (employee) who informed me of the process for a transfer of liability. I informed the employee I wanted to “port” my daughter’s phone number to my account. I informed the employee my daughter’s contract with Sprint expired on or about May 20, 2006. I informed the employee my daughter goes to Southern Illinois University. The employee told me to go to the full service Sprint store of my choice. I told the employee I would go to the Lansing, Illinois store located at 17545 Torrence Avenue. The employee told me my daughter could go to the store in Carbondale, Illinois located at 1334 East Main Street, Suite K. The employee told me my daughter and I did not have to be in the stores at the same time to “transfer liability.” The employee told me I would fill out my portion of the paperwork, then the Lansing store would fax the paperwork to the Carbondale store to complete the transaction. I informed Mr. Fowler about this whole conversation.

Mr. Fowler supported Mr. Julius’ statement reporting my daughter and I have to be in the stores at the same time. Mr. Fowler told me they could not fax the documentation to the Carbondale store because they wanted to protect my information from getting into the wrong hands. I challenged this statement. I asked Mr. Fowler did he think someone other than an employee of Sprint would have access to their fax machines. I informed Mr. Fowler his statement was appalling and absurd.

I informed Mr. Fowler he, like Mr. Julius, did not suggest looking at my account to see the notes I am referring too. Mr. Fowler requested employee Brandi Brumfield look up my account. Ms. Brumfield was very professional, taking her time looking at my account, reading the notes taken on June 5, 2006 answering my questions about the notes and my account. I informed Ms. Brumfield I would come back to the store when my daughter got to the Carbondale store.

After leaving the Sprint store in Lansing, I called the Carbondale store. I spoke to Eric. Eric informed me the retention employee was correct. Eric stated my daughter and I did not have to be in the store at the same time. I exampled this to Eric stating if my daughter was in Japan and I was here, how could we coordinate being in a Sprint store at the same time? Eric informed me he would have my daughter fill out her portion of the paperwork when she arrives in the store, and he would hold the paperwork until I called him informing him I was in the Lansing Sprint store so I could receive the fax and complete the transaction. Eric reports his store does this type of transaction all the time. This makes sense. This is congruent with the retention employee’s statement.

Sir, I spoke to the retention employee because I was undecided about whether I wanted to stay with Sprint when my contract expired. I knew if I ported my daughter’s number to my account one of us would have to renew a contract for 2 years. I informed my daughter some time ago I was leaving Sprint when my contract expired. I suggested to my daughter when her contract expired with Sprint, please do not renew it. I suggested to my daughter I would get an account with a different carrier where we can all share the minutes. My daughter persuaded me to stay with Sprint, pointing out differences in other carriers and her personal friendships having Sprint accounts, which would keep her minute usage down. This made sense to me. I decided to go along with her decision.

The reasoning I gave my daughter for leaving Sprint is similar to the aforementioned encounter, along with the letters of concern I sent to you gentlemen on November 15, 2004 and August 24, 2005. I am tired of working with a company where your policies are misinterpreted and misappropriated.

Mr. Fowler informed me Sprint’s policies dictate both individuals have to be in their perspective Sprint stores in order to carry out a “transfer of liability.” This seems to fly directly in the face of Sprint being an operation providing services all over the world. How can you have a policy such as stated here expecting people in different parts of the world to be in a Sprint store at the same time? This would be absurd. This also may be an impossible task. It appears your employees are locked into a mindset where there is no flexibility. If there is flexibility, it is given according to ones feelings that day.
Therefore, I request congruency in your policies.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred L Nance Jr., ABD, MA, CADC, NCRS

cc: Mr. Richard Fowler, Assistant Retail Store Manager
http://clickforjusticeandequality.blogspot.com/ C.L.I.C.K. for Justice and Equality