April 02, 2006

December 14, 2005 - South Holland Illinois Community Message Board


As of April 24, 2006 I have not received a response from Mayor Don DeGraff


As of March 22, 2006 I have not received a response from Mayor Don DeGraff

December 14, 2005

Mr. Don DeGraff
Mayor of South Holland
16226 Wausau Ave.
South Holland, Illinois 60473

Re: South Holland Community Message Board

Mr. Mayor:

On December 12, 2005, I submitted a fax to South Holland’s Community Message Board requesting to have my “organization’s messages” posted as others are privileged. I have not had a response from your office regarding this posting. It is my hope your administration is not “discriminating and retaliating” against me.

I am requesting South Holland Community Message Board post my organization’s websites, that is, http://www.clickservices.org/ and http://clickforjusticeandequality.blogspot.com/. My websites inform and promote justice and equality for the disenfranchised and disadvantaged. My websites inform and promote access to various human services needs. My websites are viewed around the world.

The Government Access Programming Channel 4 of South Holland, Illinois states: To Place Your Organization’s Messages on this Message Board, Send them to: SH Community Message Board, 16242 Wausau Avenue, South Holland, Illinois 60473 or Fax them to: Message Board, 210-1019. I faxed my request on December 12, 2005.

Therefore, I respectfully request my websites posted on South Holland, Illinois Community Message Board.

Thank you.

Fred L Nance Jr., ABD, MA, CADC, NCRS

cc: Rod Blagojevich, Governor of Illinois
Barack Obama, U.S. Senator of Illinois
James Meeks, Senator of Illinois
David Miller, Illinois State Representative
Cornelius Marshall, Attorney at Law

This letter and the fax request of December 12, 2005 faxed to all individuals listed above on December 14, 2005.