April 04, 2006

March 24, 2006 - Governor Blagojevich and the Illinois Department of Human Rights: Nance v. Village of South Holland

Update: April 4, 2006: I met with Mr. Moen who refused to accept my documentation for my issues with the Village of South Holland. Mr. Moen attempted to establish "retaliation" with only one of my supporting documents. I informed him there was established law suggesting retaliation happens after an incident. I informed him of the ongoing issues with the Village of South Holland establishing a character suggesting retaliation. I talked to Ms. Honel who suggested I talk to Mr. Moen's supervisor, Ms. Kimberly Trueblood. Ms. Trueblood and I agreed I would send in additional information starting from September 2002 to the present to establish a pattern suggesting retaliation. Mr. Moen copied the documents I presented today.

Could I be receiving this response because this is an election year for Governor Blagojevich? As you can see I filed this complaint with Governor Blagojevich on August 29, 2005. It really has not been that long. May be this is how long it takes to address issues with our present government.

You, the public, decide at the polls.

I will be providing follow-up statements and reports regarding this matter.

March 24, 2006

Illinois Department of Human Rights
Ms. Marian Honel, Manager, Fair Housing Division
100 West Randolph, Suite 10-100
Chicago, Illinois 60601

Re: Control # 06M0321.08
Nance v. Village of South Holland

Dear Ms. Honel:

I received a letter on March 23, 2006 from the Illinois Department of Human Rights, dated March 21, 2006, which I am writing verbatim to post and publish on my website at: http://clickforjusticeandequality.blogspot.com/. I have posted and published many of my allegations against the Village of South Holland on my website. Readers may review my complaints against the Village of South Holland at any time. I will email and fax this response to you.

The Illinois Department of Human Rights’ letter reports the following:

Dear Mr. Nance:

This is in response to your letter received by Governor Blagojevich on August 29, 2005 concerning your belief that the Village of South Holland is selectively enforcing its municipal ordinance in a racially discriminatory manner. The Governor’s office referred your letter to this Department for response. I apologize for the delay in this response.

Your letter has been assigned to investigator David D’Hansel. He will contact you to discuss the matter. If your complaint falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Human Rights, Mr. D’Hansel will draft a charge for your signature and conduct an investigation of your allegations. Feel free to contact Mr. D’Hansel directly. He can be reached at (312) 814-1988, or by email at David.D’Hansel@illinois.gov.

If you have any further questions about this matter, please contact Marian Honel, Manager, Fair Housing Division, at (312) 814-6219 or via email at marian.honel@illinois.gov.

I hope this is helpful.


Rocco J. Claps

cc: Governor’s Office of Citizen’s Assistance – 91124
Betsy Ebeling
Marian Honel
David D’Hansel

Ms. Honel:

I reject Mr. David D’Hansel as investigator in this matter. It is my belief Mr. D’Hansel would not be appropriate for this matter because of our prior relationship in another matter, which is Charge No. 2004CH2374 – In the Matter of Dorsey, John v. Chicago Christian Industrial League, a housing discrimination matter.

In my opinion, Mr. D’Hansel bungled and misrepresented Mr. John Dorsey. I represented Mr. Dorsey as his advocate in this matter. On or about December 14, 2004, with overwhelming evidence of housing discrimination against Mr. Dorsey, Mr. D’Hansel dismissed Mr. Dorsey’s matter for lack of substantial evidence for housing against the Chicago Christian Industrial League. This was a ludicrous decision made by Mr. D’Hansel.

I presented Mr. Dorsey’s case, in detail, to Access Living. Access Living has taken up the case against the Chicago Christian Industrial League’s charge of housing discrimination. With the same information and evidence given to Mr. D’Hansel, Access Living believes discrimination took place. Attorneys Kenneth M. Walden and Max Lapertosa represent Mr. Dorsey now in Dorsey v. O’Keefe et al., Charge No. 2004CH2374/HUD No. 05-04-0449-8. Access Living is located at 614 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, Illinois, 60607. There telephone number is 312-253-7000.

On January 18, 2005, Kenneth M. Walden and Max Lapertosa filed their Notice of Filing of Entry of Appearance with the State of Illinois, Department of Human Rights. On January 18, 2005, they filed their Request for Extension of Time to File Request for Review. They have also filed their brief in this matter.

For the foregoing reasons, I request another investigator in my matter who will be fair and just in processing and reviewing all of my documented issues. As always, I will be posting and publishing on my website any documentation and issues presented, represented and received in this matter as a matter of right under the 1st Amendment to our Constitution.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred L Nance Jr., ABD, MA, CADC, NCRS