December 06, 2008

Slavery and Racism in America: White couple shackle, beat and abuse black youth

Prosecutor: Trio used bat, knife, belt on shackled teen -

This sounds like Sheridan Correctional Center. When I worked at Sheridan Correctional Center there were many Illinois Department of Corrections' (IDOC) guards/employees and WestCare Foundation, Inc. employees with the mindset of the criminals mentioned here. The IDOC employees "slave" mentality focuses on job security, while WestCare Foundation, Inc. employees are supposed to be counselors seeking an outcome reducing recidivism. How can WestCare Foundation, Inc. obtain a reduction in recidivism when job security will outweigh the service provided to produce this outcome? This job security is also protected by AFSCME union local 31. This "slave" mentality is not knew to the most racist and despotic State in the United States.

In addition to this job security issue, IDOC and Westcare attempted to shackle and gag me from disclosing their racism, indifferent and disparate treatment, and nepotism. From this scenario, the big slave master of Sheridan Correctional Center Michael Rothwell took my security clearance and banned me from entering my employment with WestCare Foundation, Inc. without any reason being given to me. These are the building blocks leading to slavery.